On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

> Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 04:33:47 GMT
> From: Sevatio Octavio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [expert] ALSA & Yamaha XG
> Some of you mentioned that you were able to get ALSA to work for Yamaha 
> XG cards.  And you said that ALSA sounded better than OSS.  I'm currently 
> using the OSS driver.  Could you tell me if ALSA gives you bass & treble 
> controls or is it a hardware issue?
Before I forget, one more question. Have any of you played with Alsa on a
laptop. I am also using the OSS drivers for my YMF744b on a Sony VAIO
N505VX, similar to the N505VE, except it is a PII. The OSS drivers require
resetting on resume, do the alsa drivers have that same issue?

 > Seve


Ellick Chan
Jul 24

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