Submitted 24-Jul-00 by Don:
> In mknod how would one create a device that is linked to another device?
> I would like to make video to link to video0.  I have already found the video0
> and have tried: 
> mknod c video 81  0               
> but I don't see the way for linking this to video0.  By the way I am tring to
> get kwintv to work, and when I run the kwintv file it tells there is no such 
> device as /dev/video.
> this is the error Iam getting:
> Fatal: v4lx: Error opening v4lx device /dev/video: No such device in ::v4lxif

mknod is not what you'r looking for.  Try "ln -s video0 video"

      ( )   *    Anton Graham
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