Ron Stodden wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Civileme wrote:
> > A political appointee has decided that he can't use kmail and must have
> > outlook.  Today he showed his power by dismissing me and four other employees
> > to scrape together enough money to convert to Microsoft.
> >
> > I'll be moving from place to place for a while, and I won't have a steady
> > address. So take care folks.  I'll catch up when I can.
> Civileme,
> This is bad luck, but still you are better off not being there when he
> does his MagicS..     Doesn't even realise that Outlook has no threading, so
> how can anyone follow a thread?  How can anyone manage anything by Outlook
> email withiout threading???
> Such bad-seeming events often turn out in hindsight to be turning points, so
> build on it!
> Ron.

One day that political appointee will realise what happens when the wind
changes.  May that day be soon!  Gonna miss you, Civileme.


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