I just sent out a message to the group and got a bouce (error) from
Sevatio's email address.  Somethings misconfigured at mandrakesoft.com's
MTA.  (Note the "@mandrakesoft.mandrakesoft.com".)


On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, vern wrote:

= Welcome to the club! About 1 in 10 gets through from here! You may
= see this and you may not, I replied to both your address and the
= lists address.
= vern
= Sevatio Octavio wrote:
= > 
= > What's going on with the list server?  Only a small fraction of my posts
= > are getting on the list.  The remainder have just disappeared.
= > 
= > Seve

Familiarity breeds contempt.
   -- Publius Syrus (42 B.C.), Maxim 640

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