Hi guys,

After having all the trouble with supermount, i switched to autofs.. but
never got it to work.. I did everythign according to the man pages.. but
things don't seem to work.

My auto.master file is like this :

# For details of the format look at autofs(8).
#/misc  /etc/auto.misc
/amnt   /etc/auto.amnt

and my auto.amnt file is :
# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage
cdrom       -fstype=iso9660,ro  /dev/cdrom
floppy      -fstype=auto        /dev/fd0

Then I created a /amnt directory and started /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs

Then I tried to access a cd by saying ls /amnt/<tab> and I can't see any
cdrom directory.. Is it created automatically or am I suppose to create it

Infact, I tried creatign /amnt/cdrom and /amnt/floppy and then starting
autofs.. but same results.. I can't see contents in /amnt/cdrom

Is there anythign else that needs to be done? man pages don't say anything


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