On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 08:59:02AM -0400, John Aldrich wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > honestly I can't begin to imagine writting a program on punch
> > cards. seems to me that something like that would take literally forever!
> > 
> I took a class back in the early 80's on how to program in RPG. The
> funny thing was, that even though we were using terminals, we still
> had punch-card emulators and had to have everything in EXACTLY the
> right column and the right "card." Talk about annoying! :-)
>       John

That's because RPG is (was, one hopes) a programming language designed to
emulate punched cards.

Now, can we kill the nostagia thread and return to the present?



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