That is absolutely incredible. It's almost hard to believe how far
everything has come in a short amount of time.

Gavin Clark wrote:
> > I remember my first internet experience was playing Star Trek on a DEC
> > terminal through a telephone coupler as a modem link.
> ha,
> the first thing I did on a computer was play wumpus on the PDP 10 at colgate
> when I was seven. startrek was a little too ceribral for me at the time. I
> remember three big rooms dedicated to one machine.
> My dad was laughing the other day about how a new duel 500MHz G4 with 3
> 50gig drives (c. $3,000) has more processing power and data strorage in one
> box than was avalible in the entire state of New York in 1972.
> Gavin


I love my Linux box...
      REASON #1 -- isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

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