I upgraded to Xfree4.01 out of the cooker, and it seemed to work, when I
type startx I get the familiar checked screen, and then a light blue
screen, but then the server quits.  It never attaches to KDE or any
other window manager.  I get the following, attached, in a
.xsession-errors file.  Can anyone tell me what might be going on here?



Harry Flaxman  | Reg Linux User 182484
ICQ # 22086907 | Reg Linux System 80769

QFont::load: Internal error

/usr/bin/startkde: line 13:   762 Aborted                 (core dumped) kcontrol -init

QFont::load: Internal error

QFont::load: Internal error

QFont::load: Internal error

/usr/bin/startkde: line 33:   766 Aborted                 (core dumped) ( sleep 1 && 
exec kwmsound )

/usr/bin/startkde: line 33:   767 Aborted                 (core dumped) ( sleep 1 && 
exec kpanel )

/usr/bin/startkde: line 33:   769 Aborted                 (core dumped) ( sleep 1 && 
exec krootwm )

QFont::load: Internal error

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