Maybe this explains why my A-Open S-3Virge PCI Audio card works fine with a
Logitech serial mouse in 7.0-2, but the minute I exchange it for the
Diamond A-55 Speedstar AGP video card, the mouse stops working. I don't
know what to replace first. Any suggestions??? 


At 11:08 AM 8/2/00 +0300, you wrote:
>I have another non Linux related example from Diamond...
>Many years ago I bought Diamond S3 864 chipset and it was really a pain to
>get it working properly under OS/2 because
>Diamond had tweaked chipset so that S3 drivers which worked with other
>cards having S3 chipset simply refused to work well.
>In the end one of the S3 software engineer managed to get card to work but
>it took months and a really lot of effort from him to get the
>specs from Diamond so that he was able to get the drivers working with
>(S3 engineer did that only for fun because Diamond didn't give good drivers
>for OS/2.)
>After that I have always stayed as far as possible from Diamond products.
>(But because of that driver developer I bought later 2 other S3-chipset
>based cards)
>                    Anton Graham
>                    <darkimage@bigfoot.        To:
>                    com>                       cc:
>                    Sent by:                   Subject:     Re: [expert]
>                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                    01.08.2000 16:48
>                    Please respond to
>                    Expert
>Submitted 01-Aug-00 by Gilbert Baron:
>> Is there any answer to this yet/ If not, what does one do with LINUX,
>> say to oneself ahh well, we don't support you modern and common hardware
>> that is ok, just use an older version. Boy that makes for confidence in
>> toy.
>The ext2 filesystem has been going through some revisions, especially as
>implemented by Mandrake, over the past eight months.  As has been
>suggested, try formatting the partitions with the installer as opposed to
>using prepared partitions.  As far as your snyde remarks, many of us have
>tried to help you, explained what your problems are, and you have refused
>Your unsupported video card is far from common.  If you purchased hardware
>manufactured by companies whose purse-strings weren't tied by Microsoft,
>perhaps you would have fewer problems.  Diamond Multimedia has made it
>abundantly clear that they do not and will not support any operating system
>other than Windows.  Perhaps instead of blaming Linux, you should look at
>the company that not only refuses to provide drivers, but will not give
>anyone else the information necessary to create the drivers.
>As to what one does with Linux, it varies from user to user and
>to installation.  Personally, I use Linux for 100% of my computing needs.
>Even my favorite video game has been ported, and so now I have no reason to
>use Windows for anything.
>Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
>"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb."
>  -- Spaceballs

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