On Tue, 01 Aug 2000, Stephen Boulet wrote:
> Can someone tell me how to edit my MX settings for my domain registrar?
> Say my firewall/web server/mail server box is named "homer", and my domain is
> thesimpsons.net.
> I have entries for "Host Name" and "Mail Server" that I need to fill out with
> my domain registrar, and I will be using Postfix as my mail server software.

Why not name your box thesimpsons.net and use that for both Host Name
and Mail Server. Is your registrar also acting as DNS for your
domain? I'm not sure if you are talking about registering a domain
and what to put in the boxes or if you are editing DNS settings.

For mail your DNS zone file will need something like '@ IN MX 5
thesimpsons.net.' and you will need to setup postfix with
thesimpsons.net as the server/gateway.

I went the easy? route and all my servers (DNS, mail, www, ftp) are
just dalrun.com (well I do have a 'www IN CNAME dalrun.com.' in my
zone file) so the following is to the best of my knowledge.

You could use mail.thesimpsons.net for domain MX, DNS MX and postfix
setup. For other services you could use 'service IN CNAME
thesimpsons.net' and setup those services servers as
service.thesimpsons.net. The assumption is that you are working w/ a
single static IP. Some would say to use 'service IN A yourIP' instead
of a CNAME (you have to do it that way, for the NS record, if running
your own DNS as something other than thesimpsons.net, e.g.

...Hmm I'm wondering what the minimum is. Can you name your box and
eternal adapter/NIC anything you want and just setup all
servers with the appropriate name? It seems most/all services can be
setup for (service.)thesimpsons.net, is that all that's needed?
I've used my registered domain name for both my hostname and external

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