Put your Installation CD in the drive
mount -t iso9960 -o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS
rpm -Uhv kdesu

then hit the Tab key, then the Enter key.  Hit the tab key for filename
completion and because I can't remember those long filenames.  If this
installs it (and it should), then get off the CD (just typing "cd" will
put you back in your home directory) and unmount the CD (umount


On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Marco Fioretti wrote:

= So, what should we do? This doesn't look as an optional
= package, does it? Why does this happen, and what is the
= RPM to install it from by hand?
=               Marco
= >
= >Yeah, that's happened to me too.  I've installed ML7.1 maybe a dozen times
= >(essentially the same each time) and sometimes kdesu is there, other times
= >not.
= >
= >
= >kf
= >
= >On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Marco Fioretti wrote:
= >
= >= Hello,
= >= 
= >= while setting up my LM 7.1 box, I decided to run
= >= printerdrake (as root). An error message pops up saying that
= >= kdesu is not found.
= >= 
= >= A quick investigation says:
= >= 
= >= [root@polaris marco]# ls -l /usr/bin/kde*
= >= kde       kdecode   kdehelp   kdesetup  kdevelop
= >= [root@polaris marco]# ls -l /usr/bin/kde
= >= [root@polaris marco]# whereis kdesu
= >= kdesu:
= >= [root@polaris marco]# which kdesu
= >= which: no kdesu in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin)
= >= [root@polaris marco]#
= >= 
= >= Why is it missing? Is it a broken/badly copied CD (but the installation
= >= was fine, except LILO, see my other posting)?
= >= Is it a consequence of choosing security level high? If so, how do I
= >= run printerdrake?
= >= 
= >= 
= >= Any help is appreciated!
= >= 
= >=                    Ciao,
= >=                                    Marco
= >= 
= >
= >--  
= >Familiarity breeds contempt.
= >   -- Publius Syrus (42 B.C.), Maxim 640
= >
= >
= >
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Familiarity breeds contempt.
   -- Publius Syrus (42 B.C.), Maxim 640

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