Daniel Bodanske wrote:
> I tried both linking the system.map and simply moving it to the boot
> partition as well
> "Eric MC.D" wrote:
> >
> > After compiling the kernel did you:
> > copy your System.map-xx.xx.xx to /boot , and
> > rm /boot/System.map
> > ln -s /boot/System.map-xx.xx.xx /boot/System.map
> > ??
> > Eric
> >
> > Daniel Bodanske wrote:
> > >
> > > OK, so I compiled the new kernel yeasterday, so I could try out the new Linux
> > > Diskless Terminal  version (they recommend using 2.3.somethingoranother, but I
> > > figured the 2.4 would be safer). Anyway, I had no problem with the compilation,
> > > added it using linixconf as I always have done ( I recompile at home all the
> > > time to play) and when I rebooted, I got the error messages that the System.map
> > > was the wrong kernel version.  I've never run into this before.  I've been
> > > recompiling eversince 2.0.??  Anyway, I tried linuxconf again, and then I tried
> > > manually adding the System.map out of the source code. and probably if you
> > > actually know what you're doing, you'll tell me what I know now:that doesn't
> > > work.  Anyone give me a clue what I'm missing?  I'm really kind of ignorant.
> > > Daniel

I've always done 'make dep && make bzImage && make modules && make
modules_install'  then when complete I run 'make install' which is what
places the System.map file for one.  Is that what you did?

Mike & Tracy Holt
Kirkland, WA

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