<Here's hoping this doesn't turn into a flame war>

A few years ago, I would have agreed with you.  However, I have learned a
few things about Unix and especially Linux.  To coin a Perl phrase, "There's
more than one way to do it."  Whereas Microsoft forces you down a single
path for better or worse, Linux lets you dive into the guts of the system
yourself.  Now you many not want to but other developers have and will
continue to do so.  What's my point?  There are a bajillion editors both GUI
and console-based for Linux.  Don't like vi, use joe (my favorite) or emacs,
and so on.  KDE and Gnome are a long ways from the original X base in terms
of friendliness and power.

I see Linux gaining user-friendly features at a exponentially increasing
rate.  And don't confuse user-friendliness with dumbed-down interfaces and
restricted feature sets (the M$ way).  Mandrake is a huge leap over earlier
Linux distributions in terms of hand-holding the newbie.  It's not perfect
but when did Microsoft give Windows away for free and continue to develop
it.  I can legally download the latest version of Mandrake any time I want
without paying (although I did buy a copy to support the company).

Matthew Zaleski

P.S. This is my last comment on this topic since I feel it is drifting a bit
wide of the intent of this list.  Intelligent discussions on features for
Mandrake to include in upcoming releases is one thing, writing generic flame
bait comments bashing Linux in general doesn't help improve the product.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Hudspeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 2:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I set the
> default editor so I can TRASH IT?
> Mallard:
> I agree with you 200%!
> I have wasted all kinds of time trying to work with "UNIX"
> tools that are outdated and clumsy, except for the geeks who
> thought they were cute. They aren't.
> I have been writing useful 'C' programs for 20+ years 
> (obviously not in
> UNIX/LINUX) and have never seen such lack of concern for "software
> sability". - Yes, that's a real topic for commercial (bite my tongue)
> software developers.
> I am trying to find out whether my users (PhD & MD 
> professionals) would 
> like Linux better than Windoz. I can definitely say, NOT TODAY! I too
> have wasted time and money, really wanting this to be a successful
> venture.  I am no M$ fan. However, I've never had to wander arounf in 
> the dark so much using M$ products.
> I still (silly me) believe that Linux 'could be' a better 
> system - but,
> not without a lot of effort directed toward usability. 
> Bill
> Mallard wrote:
> > 
> > Why did Mandrake pick the most geekyist editor for a setup that is
> > suposto be easy for users?
> > 
> > Anyone else seen this joke of a program?
> > 
> > With Vim all you have to do is spend a half hour trying to 
> get it give
> > you help, then scroll all the way to the bottom of a super long
> > whoopy-do list of usless keyboard commands that you will 
> forget a day
> > after you use them. Please get rid of it!
> > 
> > Try ":qw" to get out and save what you just did WTF is 
> that? Did a human
> > design this? That is if you figure out how to get into 
> "insert" mode and
> > out of it again. GET RID OF THIS! TRASH IT! Ban it from the Net!
> > 
> > Couldn't use "X" or "E" for exit or maybe cntl-X or Z, no - 
> had to be
> > big geeks and do it some STUPID way. What the hell were these guys
> > thinking? Do they live on this planet? Why does Mandrake 
> support this?
> > Trash it!
> > 
> > Yea, I am pissed. All I wanted to do is set up my cron file 
> ("crontab
> > -e") and that brings up the "default" editor. Searching all 
> over to find
> > where the "default" editor is set up, couldn't find it. 
> Another waste of
> > time.
> > 
> > I don't know who thinks this is some great thing, WOW! It 
> has zillions
> > of features! It's not 1982 anymore, we have word processors 
> that have a
> > better human interface than terminals did, get a life 
> geeks! (directed
> > at the guys who wrote and keep updating "vi" and "vim")
> > 
> > Why not make the default editor a nice simple one, like maybe pico,
> > where the commands are shown. I can't see anyone using a 
> command line
> > editor for much else than a few simple changes, there are 
> better simple
> > editors in KDE and such. Damn that really pissed me off, 
> and on top of
> > that you guys changed from "vi" (same stupid geeky crap) to 
> "vim" (worse
> > geeky crap) in 7.1 did someone request this? I want to know who!
> > 
> > Figure if someone is a big enough geek to want vim, let 
> them spend their
> > life away trying to figure it out (and how to change the 
> default editor
> > to do it).
> > 
> > Thanks for the soapbox, I had my say (please forward this to whoever
> > makes these program installation choices, if he's not a big 
> geek that
> > is).
> > 
> > Sorry for the bandwith waste, had to get this off my chest. 
> Anyone else
> > feel like I do about this?

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