Tony McGee wrote:
> File mappings to rpms would only be valid for each distribution because it's
> up to the distribution to package things in such a way that everything works.
> In this case mixing what seem to be redhat rpms (.i386.rpm) with mandrake
> rpms, esp. for system files, would confuse any automagic rpm downloader
> software even more.
> Is there an absolute need for modutils-2.3.14-1 to use your zip drive? Rather
> than chasing down a zillion rpms which will more than likely give you even more
> dependancy problems, if you can i'd suggest falling back to mandrake's
> modutils-2.3.10-2mdk.i586.rpm found in the same upgrades directory as per
> before.
> Tony

Thanks for your prompt response Tony!

OK, the zip drive is a USB one.  The driver file (downnloaded from
Iomega) requires at least 2.4.test4, and will not install unless it
detects at least this release level.

As the latest 2.4.x beta (not even I am crazy enough to try an alpha
release with my current level of knowledge!) is 2.4.test6, I used that.

The /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes file states the following:

Current Minimal Requirements
Upgrade to at *least* these software revisions before thinking you've
encountered a bug! <snip note of how to check revision numbers>

util-linux      2.10g
modutils        2.3.13
e2fsprogs       1.18
pcmcia-cs       3.1.13
PPP             2.4.0b1
isdn4k-utils    3.1beta7


Now, I don't use ISDN, and some of my modules are already there.  The
only ones I need to update (according to this) are util-linux, modutils,
pcmcia-cs and PPP.

Any further suggestions VERY gratefully received!!!!!


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