"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:
> On a somewhat related topic, consider this scenerio:
> I want a linux box to function sort of like a switch, passing through internet 
>traffic, but isolating each network device from another.
> Example:
> eth0 = connection to a Masqing box (192.168.1.x network)
> eth1 = office 1  (
> eth2 = office 2  (
> eth3 = office 3  (
> In this box, I want no masquerading to take place.. I want a machine connected to 
>eth1 with an IP of routed right out eth0 as the same IP.  Basically just 
>like I had a dumb hub.  The reason for the need for some intelligience here is that I 
>don't want Win95 machines in office 1 seeing machines in office 2 using their netbios 
>/ whatever protocol.
> The reverse obviously has to work: if a packet comes into eth0 for, it 
>should go right out eth3 with that same IP.  This means that eth0 will be responding 
>to several IP numbers, not just its own.
> If it makes it any easier, I can change eth0's network numbers to be on another 
>network (like 10.0.0.x), but I still need the 1:1 mapping.
> How/where in IPCHAINS???
> Bob

Would it make think somewhat easier if each office had it's own
network segment?  
The masq'ing box on 192.168.4.x network, and:

                       NIC on           'linux switch''s
descrip   segment      'linux switch'"  IP on each segment
--------  -----------  ---------------  ------------------
office 1  192.168.1.x  eth1   
office 2  192.168.2.x  eth2   
office 3  192.168.3.x  eth3   
masq box  192.168.4.x  eth0   

If each client had a netmask, then your "linux 
switch" could have an ethX on each of 192.168.[123] and 192.168.4.
Also, the "linux switch" (as 192.168.[123].1 on each relevant
ethX NIC) would be the default gw of each client PC.

Would that make the IPchains solution more tractable, since
all is not on 1 network segment?

Or am I just a dumb sh*t who should keep his hands off the

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
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