On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 12:06:40AM -0400, Bob Puff@NLE wrote:
> On a somewhat related topic, consider this scenerio:
> I want a linux box to function sort of like a switch, passing through internet 
>traffic, but isolating each network device from another.
> Example:
> eth0 = connection to a Masqing box (192.168.1.x network)
> eth1 = office 1  (
> eth2 = office 2  (
> eth3 = office 3  (
> In this box, I want no masquerading to take place.. I want a machine connected to 
>eth1 with an IP of routed right out eth0 as the same IP.  Basically just 
>like I had a dumb hub.  The reason for the need for some intelligience here is that I 
>don't want Win95 machines in office 1 seeing machines in office 2 using their netbios 
>/ whatever protocol.
> The reverse obviously has to work: if a packet comes into eth0 for, it 
>should go right out eth3 with that same IP.  This means that eth0 will be responding 
>to several IP numbers, not just its own.
> If it makes it any easier, I can change eth0's network numbers to be on another 
>network (like 10.0.0.x), but I still need the 1:1 mapping.
> How/where in IPCHAINS???

This may not be an IPCHAINS issue at all.

Try putting each of your divisions onto separate class C "experimental"
networks:,, etc., with appropriate netmasks. If I
recall correctly, NetBIOS does name searches with broadcasts, which do not
cross network boundaries. Make sure that none of the W9x machones have any
LMHOSTS entries that point to another network.

You haven't mentioned NT, so I gather you don't have a SMB domain
server. If you are using SAMBA on the Linux box as a SMB domain name
server, you may have to tune how it lets machines on one net see machines
on another net. I don't know anything about using Samba for domain
resolution, so you are on your own here.


                -- C^2

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