"Ron Johnson, Jr." wrote:
> Jeff Groves wrote:
> >
> > I'll bet your PhD is not in Economics...
> [snip]
> > >Any help or links or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm not
> > >trying to be cheap here, I think the internet should be FREE!
> > >
> > >Dr. Michael Powell PhD
> He's probably just a pompous(sp?) lamer.
>         Dr. Michael Powell
> or
>         Michael Powell, PhD
> but *never* the silly-ly redundant
>         Dr. Michael Powell PhD
> Ron (I'm not a PhD and I don't play one on TV)

What did this poor bugger do to you guys? Why are you busting his balls
so hard?
Mark Weaver
IT Dept./Reapernet.com
Destiny Image Publishers

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