Jean-Louis Debert wrote:
> iain wrote:
> >
> > Is there a maximum file size with a samba share. When I back up a Win 2000
> > server to a samba box it halts at just over 2 Gig.
> > Any suggestions ??
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> It depends on what file system your samba share resides. If it is
> an ext2 file system (standard for linux) then yes, there is a 2GB
> limit. But your samba share can reside on ANY type of filesystem
> (supported by linux) so you could use another type which does not
> have this restriction ... one example: UDF (file system used
> on dvd-roms and magneto-opticals).
> Or alternatively, you could organize your backup to be segmented
> in "slices" of less than 2GB.

Note: The 2GB limit is only on 32 bit CPUs.  AlphaLinux theo-
retical file size is 2^64 == 10^20.  Also, I understand that
the 2.4 kernels have lifted the max filesize to 2^64 on all

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