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On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Beta 2: I'm amased!
> (http://forum.mandrakesoft.com/article.php3?sid=20000917131923)
> I have been installing 7.2 beta a lot last days, and I mast say "I am amased" for 
>beta 2. I KNOW there is still plenty of bugs left in this beta (hey, I'm on the 
>source here...), but I have an Dell OptiPlex machine with i810 card, paralel-port 
>ZIP, 5-buttoned Genius Netmouse pro (PS/2, configure it as Microsoft InteliMouse!), 
>and serial-port Wacom tablet attached to it. 
> Guess what: ALL THIS HARDWARE WAS CORRECTLY RECOGNISED and worked withouth any nead 
>to tweak parameters in post-install! (OK, I changed Wacom tablet settings from 
>relative to absolute mode, but that was it). 
> I also checked anonymous- and non-anonymous FTP install, because everyone else 
>prefers NFS-install, and they work nicely too, gc has fixed the DHCPD timeout bug...  
> I did not test proxy-install, though since I have none here.
> Hint: you do it.
> For a good measure, here are two reports which I found among submitted "stories":
> hackerd00d wrote "mandrake installation problems, actually installation there are no 
>problems, but with normal install it never makes a boot floppy just in case, and the 
>scroller on the mouse on my usb worked in 7.2 beta 1 but not in beta 2 during the 
>install and both man 7.2 beta 1 and 2 cant use my mouse after it has restarterd to 
>boot normally, it says error gpm line 940 some thing like that /dev/mouse prob so 
>cant use mouse but kde is working in beta 2 which didnt for me in beta 1, i hope the 
>mouse problem gets corrected, and in beta 2 the install doesnt detect the scroller, 
>beta 1 can use the scroller during insta, beta 2 scroller cant work during install 
>also, i hope these thgs get ironed out soon bfore the final release to make every one 
>happy and proud of mandrake ". 
> François wrote "Hi
> I have some problem with the Beta v.2 of mandrake 7.2
> I use MSI 694D Pro (MS-6321) Bi Pro card with
> 2 PIII 733 and 128 Mo 
> The first problem : 
> The Promise ATA100 card doesn't support yet (no chance)
> The VIA VT82C686A audio chipset buit on card was
> siupported by Harddrake but no song in the sound test.
> But this new version is really !!
> If u have idea for my song problem...reply here
> Thank's
> ".  "
> Yes: not everyone is so happy with beta2 as I am, and we know it. FYI: Chmouel is  
>working on UATA100 support...
Ron Marriage
Homepage  http://www.seidata.com/~marriage/

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