> Has anyone gotten APC's Backups software to work?
> I've tried both RPM and source, both with same result..
> I'm connected to the UPS with ttyS1..  Upon the install script, the
> software tries to init the ups com port ( Light goes out ) and reports
> an error, the ttyS1 port must be set up as a modem.
> ?? huh ??
> The port is accessable by user and root ( chmod a+rw )..
> I simply don't understand what the software is telling me..
> How can you make the serial port configured as a modem other than a
> symlink to /dev/modem which, imho, doesn't make sense..
> Anyone who has done this please post, or better yet email me at

OK, it has been a loooooong time since I set up an APC UPS, but hopefully
these points might help.

1. I was using APC Smart UPS, with the associated software.

2. I had one of these running with a SlackWare installation.

3. This UPS software had the facility to page/e-mail the SysAdmin in the
event of an outage.

Is it possible that you have connected the UPS to the port that the system
expects the modem to be on (for e-mail/paging)?

I'm sorry I can't be any more help - as I said, it was a long time ago...


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