
I just got a brand new Thinkpad A20m and I'm trying to configure it as best
as possible. I've got most things working but here are a few things I'm
having problems with:

- Network card: I read a few dsites that say that the internal netcard is
  supposed to be a eepro100. When I try to modprobe that module, I get

/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/net/eepro100.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/net/eepro100.o: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/net/eepro100.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/net/eepro100.o: insmod eepro100 failed

  so it doesn't look like this is what I have. Anyone have an idea what
  netcard is in the motherboard? Has anyone had success in using the builtin
  card? For the time being I can get by with the PCMCIA card but I will
  eventually have to ditch it.

- Has anyone managed to make the internal modem work? It's a winmodem. I
  trid to use the lucent module but when I dial and it tries to connect, I
  get a kernel panic. The message I saw when the panic occured what that the
  init process wasw killed. I tried the ltmodem program found at
  http://www.ltmodems.org but it says it doesn't recognise the device. It's
  trying to find a ISA device but it's a PCI device. This is what I get as
  a message. I'll also try the ltmodem list:

ltmodem version 0.9.9
No ISAPNP support; Lucent ISA PnP modem can't be found.
00:03.0 Communication controller: Lucent Microelectronics: Unknown device 0449 (rev 01)
Mars chipset detected.
        Subsystem: Unknown device 1014:018c
        Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 11
        Region 0: Memory at f4101000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
        Region 1: I/O ports at 1c00
        Region 2: I/O ports at 1800
        Capabilities: [f8] Power Management version 2
Initialising with ports at 1c00 and 1800, assuming portbase at 1800.
# Country is set to United Kingdom
Resetting modem...
Rom checksum is Returning zero, checksum failed?
ERROR: Unknown chipset/version.# Country is set to United Kingdom
# Initializing modem... Resetting modem...
Rom checksum is Returning zero, checksum failed?
ERROR: Unknown chipset/version.# fail

- I managed to make the audio subsytem work by using the ALSA drivers.
  Unfortunately, if I suspend the system, when I restart it the whole audio
  subsytem is gone. The modules are still loaded but I can't get any sound
  to work. Any one know how to fix this problem?

- Another problem with the audio stuffis that sometimes when I boot, the
  driver for the sound card tries to get loaded and it hangs the system. I
  have to turn it off and try again and that usually fixes it. I'm not sure
  if the problem happens only when I warm reboot the system or if it also
  happens on a cold reboot. Anyone else see this?

- Speaking of suspending the system: how do you do that? If I try to use the
  keyboard, I get this error:

Oct 15 13:11:54 lduperva kernel: keyboard: unknown scancode e0 63 
Oct 15 13:11:55 lduperva last message repeated 29 times
Oct 15 13:11:55 lduperva kernel: vortex_suspend(eth0) 
Oct 15 13:11:55 lduperva kernel: cs: cb_disable(bus 5) 
Oct 15 13:11:55 lduperva kernel: cs: received extra suspend event 
Oct 15 13:11:55 lduperva last message repeated 18 times
Oct 15 13:11:55 lduperva kernel: apm: an event queue overflowed 
Oct 15 13:11:56 lduperva kernel: keyboard: unknown scancode e0 63 

  I get similar event queue overflowed errors when I close the cover. The
  only way I've found to suspend the system is to KILL -HUP the apmd
  process. I *know* there has to be a better way. Any ideas?

Well, I figure that's enough for now.




Laurent Duperval                   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
Netergy Networks - Java Center            and we who are here have failed it."
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