Arcana wrote:

> As for the performance: the Duron outperforms the Celeron, so as a Celeron
> replacement, it absolutely boots Intel.  However, don't expect it to perform
> as well as the Pentium III at a similar clock speed.  The Athlon can't match
> Intel's PIII in some instances (usually dealing with floating-point and
> graphics) so the Duron, basically being the Athlon with a lot less L2 cache
> (64K as opposed to Athlon's 256K) won't be a PIII replacement.  However, the
> cost of the Duron is probably a quarter of the PIII at an equivalent speed,
> so you could buy 4 Durons for 1 PIII :)

See Tom's Hardware guide for an article that shows this is a very
antiquated myth (the fact that AMD chips lack FPU power).

3D Studio Max Benchmark
(Duron 800@900 beats Petium 3 1000 by 25%)

Quote from Tom's Hardware:
Athlon outperforms Pentium III in scientific and floating-point
intensive applications. - FACT 

This fact is well known, but it gets easily forgotten. Athlon's FPU is
way superior to the FPU of Pentium III. It is expected that even Pentium
4's FPU can't compete against Athlon's. Thus every software that
requires double-precision floating-point calculations will run 40-50%
faster on Athlon than on Pentium III. This difference can't even be
equalized with clock speed. 

Since the Duron is more similar to the Athlon than the Celeron is to the
P3, the Duron still does better than the P3 at most FPU-intensive
applications (like the 3DSMax).


Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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