----- Original Message -----
From: "Chang F.K.K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 2:53 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Troubles with ISDN and CD-Writing (fwd)

> > Even on a fast system cd buring programs will use every cpu they can get
> > their hands on.
> I should be able to tweak that shouldn't I? I find that cdrecord uses
> quite little resources indeed (10% CPU on average).
> > My system set up is such that I share a DSL connection on 3 machines. To
> > elininate the problem you are having I installed my cdrw on a machine
> > than the one I use to connect to the internet ( basicly I using it as an
> > internet server) and do all mem and cpu intent activities on 1 of my
> > system so that they do not affect my connection speed.
> >
> >    Charles
> >
> Well, the problem is, all clients are laptops :(
> Felix

 Even though cdrecord is showing only 10% cpu usage it will still hijack all
the cpus it can and hold them in reserve moreover it will take up most of
your System Resourses which is a combination of cpu, memory, cashe, etc.
This is why all other running processes slow down.
 The only "tweak" that might help you to maintain your internet speed is if
you would run cdrecord from the command line rather than from X because kde
and ,to a lessor extent, gnome are also both themselves resourse hogs.


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