Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SWS wrote:

> Most definitely not recent, or final. Hell they are using kde2rc2
> (which is some of my problem). I bought it last Saturday at Walmart.
> I have never purchased a Mandrake, this was a first, and maybe a last.
> I have never heard of anyone releasing to the public (for sale) beta version
> without stating it was such. Oh well burning the one disc now and d/l'ing
> second now.

Please don't confuse Mandrake with Macmillan.  OTOH, all new releases have to be
considered experimental.  Linux as well as *the other*.  Usually they'll tell
you so if you ask.  But Mandrake tries to get the known bugs out, anyway.
(Actually, for all the criticism that it's been hit with lately, I don't think
that Red Hat has been doing a bad job either.  They're just a bit adventurous.)
My system at home hasn't given me any grief since I did a clean install.  But
their timing was a bit off this time.  The word seems to be that KDE2 is a bear
to install if you already have KDE1 installed.

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