On Wed, 01 Nov 2000 04:29:12 Chris Spencer wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 October 2000 19:57, you wrote:
> > > Why do you need /usr/src/linux in the $PATH?  Chances are the files that

Finding includes has nothing to do with PATH.

> > are missing are in some devel package.  Do a web search for the missing
> > file and see what package it looks like it is in.  You can always check
> > rpmfind.net for the most up to date package and build that *.src.rpm or
> > install the binary rpm.  Now try to rebuild wine.
> I have the file in question...and the package. The file is part of the kernel 
> source. Thats not the issue. The issue is why it is when I try to compile a 
> SRPM it is not picking anything up from /usr/src/linux.

Check if you have /usr/include/linux symlinked to /usr/src/linux/include/linux
werewolf:~# ll /usr/include/linux
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           26 Jun  8 02:09 /usr/include/linux ->
Same with /usr/include/asm. Or you can have both dirs "real" instead of
symlinked, that depends on the dsitro.

If some SRPM needs including kernel headers, they use <linux/header.h>;
If you have the above link, gcc finds the include under default include paths
(/usr/include), else you have to manually add -I/usr/src/linux/include.
(NOTE: in the latter form, the last "/include" matters; I don't have your
previous posts, but you seem to be refering always /usr/src/linux only).

Juan Antonio Magallon Lacarta                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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