Submitted 06-Nov-00 by Bob Puff@NLE:
> Hello,

> My question #1: Why are these here, when I have my mail log as:
> /VAR/LOG/MAIL.LOG?  That has been working fine.  Why is there a second
> location that seems to be keeping log files forever?

The culprit is not postfix, it's logrotate.  The config file as shipped with
7.1 was screwy and confinually rotated the already rotated logs, eventually
filling the drive.  There is an update available.

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
"It is as natural to man to die as to be born; and to a little infant,
perhaps, the one is as painful as the other." 
  -- Francis Bacon, Of Death

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