[once again sliding off-topic, with subject changes not keeping up ;]

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Charles Curley wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 11:45:30PM -0400, skidley wrote:
> > I like this method it sounds very useful but I get lost when you talk
> > about emacs, I'm not familiar with Emacs I use pico as my editor due to
> > its simplicity. Would you mind explaining exactly how I could set emacs up
> > to easily search for packages like this?
> You could probably use Pico for this as well. I specified emacs because it
> has a reverse search: hit C-r and you search backwards. That lets me
> create the file by entering the name of the CD, then reading each CD.

One of emacs's nicities is it's on-thefly search. You get partial search
reasults immedietly. I wish vim had than :(

Anyway: C-s (Control-s, on emacs jargon) for forward search. C-r - for
backward search.

pico's key bindings, as well as bash's, are based on emacs' ones. C-a and
C-e work just fine in emacs. xemacs is better configured in Mandrake
than (gnu)emacs. (at least: last time I tried), so you should start with

> I suppose if pico doen't have a reverse search, you can build the file by
> reading the CD, then entering the label. That way, you find the package
> you want, then search forward to the label.
> Also, for building the file, emacs lets you revert (reload) the buffer,
> which is easier than closing it down and re-opening it to reload the
> buffer.
> Emacs has a tremendous learing curve; after almost ten years with emacs
> and variants, I'm still learning about it. But itis a very powerful
> environment, so I have found it well worth learning. I used to do a lot of
> work on NT and W9x, where I also used emacs, and found it the best editor
> available. So I also recommend it for portability. I believe vi is
> available for NT, but I am not aware of any ports of pico to NT.

Of course it is, as part of PC-PINE . But why bother? There are plenty of
good editors (better, more intuitive and with better licences) for

Tzafrir Cohen

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