On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 23:38:42 BillK wrote:
> Used to have this on an old 486: the "Li" is actually a message saying
> "I got this far through the boot".  There are fixes but I have not the
> time to search for them.  Try "man 5 lilo.conf" for how to set the
> verbose flag for progress messages.  I think I found the original
> solution in the RedHat knowledgebase.  It was a list of causes for
> failing at each stage of the boot.

Usually that Li msg is due to misconfiguring the disk in lilo, say:
- Install the distro (so lilo) with LBA mode on, and the loose the
  BIOS lba setting by a reset, battery exhausted or similar
- lilo.conf has a flag 'lba' or 'compact' or 'linear' that is not
  supported by your disk+bios combo.

In Mandrake its easy to install in non LBA mode, and the check the
lba flag in the bootloader installation window, so does not work...

Juan Antonio Magallon Lacarta                                 #> cd /pub
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     #> more beer

Linux 2.2.18-pre23-vm #3 SMP Wed Nov 22 22:33:53 CET 2000 i686 unknown

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