On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Perry Moon wrote:
> I am looking for a bit of help, and please forgive me if this
> is a dumb question.  I compiled a Mandrake flavored kernel for a blind
> friend of mine in Ohio that contained a patch to enable speech output
> from the gitgo to his synth. It was a success. Anyways, during the
> process of building this kernel for him one of the steps was to run:
> make mrproper
> Okay, well now when I went to configure a newer version of
> VMware it needs to rebuild some kernel modules and when it goes to look
> in the /usr/src/linux/include and below directories. It complains of
> missing header files, spacifically version.h . Can anyone please tell
> me how to get back to the original Mandrake 7.1 source tree with all the

        First off, don't use 'make mrproper', it's not really a needed
step unless you are using alot of non-official patches to the kernel tree.
It not only removes a great deal of need header files (.h) but also
removes your .config file.  You will need to completely redo the 'make
xconfig' (or make menuconfig or whatever you used to setup your kernel)
again.  After this you will need to do a 'make dep' which then should get
you back to where you want to be - have the version.h files etc.  In the
future you can compile your own kernel using the following -
        make xconfig  # or make menuconfig or make config - setting up
        make dep && make clean && make bzlilo # assuming you edited the
                                              # top Makefile and un-
                                              # commented the /boot line
        make modules && make modules_install  # module making
        depmod -a <kernel version>            # ie 2.4.0-test11

*NOTE: make bzlilo does all the lilo stuff for you; but if you are unsure,
verify everything !before! you reboot with the new kernel. :)

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