On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 06:34:49PM -0700, Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Tue Nov 28, 2000 at 07:22:41AM -0700, Charles Curley wrote:
> > > Does anyone have any experience with this beast?  I'm getting sick and
> > > tired of WPO2000 for Linux crashing on me all the time and am looking
> [...]
> > I've had generally excellent results with Applixware 4.4.0.
> > 
> > With 5.0, I am having a problem printing. Applix support has been via
> > email. We've been emailing back and forth, and not yet solved the problem.
> Hmmm... I borrowed a copy of 4.4.1 from a friend who is willing to
> sell it to me.  I'm not *too* concerned about printing since I don't
> usually print too much unless it's on the Wintendo, but I certainly
> don't want a broken product.  If you do happen to find a fix for this
> (or they let you know what the problem is) would you mind sharing it?
> So far, I like it.  It doesn't do as nice of a job in exporting WP
> files as I would like (too many tab sets everywhere mess things up),
> but it's *much* nicer than StarOffice.  I will most likely get 5.0
> while it's half-price.  If you could keep me/us abreast of this
> printing problem, I'd appreciate it.

I've encountered the problem with 5.0 on Red Hat 7.0, so you may not see
it at all. On the other tentacle, I don't know if they support CUPS. You
can change the command line at will, so if they don't, you can probably fi
that quickly. they spit out postscript or HP PCL (your choice), you take
it from there.

I woul say, try it and see what happens. The tech support has been
excellent, much better than I have seen for far more expensive products.


                -- C^2

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