On Wed Nov 29, 2000 at 06:33:12AM -0500, Kip Stahl wrote:

> > Hmmm... I borrowed a copy of 4.4.1 from a friend who is willing to
> > sell it to me.  I'm not *too* concerned about printing since I don't
> > usually print too much unless it's on the Wintendo, but I certainly
> > don't want a broken product.  If you do happen to find a fix for this
> > (or they let you know what the problem is) would you mind sharing it?
> > So far, I like it.  It doesn't do as nice of a job in exporting WP
> > files as I would like (too many tab sets everywhere mess things up),
> > but it's *much* nicer than StarOffice.  I will most likely get 5.0
> > while it's half-price.  If you could keep me/us abreast of this
> > printing problem, I'd appreciate it.

> I've been running 5.0 for awhile. I upgraded from 4.4.2 and have not had any
> problems with printing. I'm running this on RedHat 7 going to an HP DeskJet
> 880C.

That's encouraging to hear.

> I haven't used any of the WP imports/exports but if you need WP documents have
> you looked at WP for Linux?

Yes, and that's what I'm trying to avoid.  I ended up re-writing parts
of an important article a few days back a few times due to crashes
which is why I'm looking for an alternative.  I'm torn between Applix
5.0 and giving win4lin a try with the Windows version of WPO2000
(which I've had no real problems with).  The WP filters in 4.4.1 are
ok...  they make a bit of a mess when you import them into WPO2000,
but they're corrected with a little re-formatting.

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