To send a mail automatically, you can do this.

mail -s Subject address@domain << EOF
This is the subject

The above construct (<<) is called a here document.  The command will read 
input from the next line until it sees the string "EOF".  You can use any 
string in place of EOF.

I hope this is clear.


On Monday 04 December 2000 23:53, you wrote:

> Perhaps I can borrow a bit from your method - all I would need is a script
> that would send me an email, message body empty (or not- just containing
> "ip address update" or something as filler), and most importantly of all:
> send my mail program a "Ctrl-D" to complete the message sending process. 
> That is actually the only thing missing for me.  If I can send a Ctrl-D to
> mail, then I am set.  The "message" will go out and I will receive the
> information I am after.

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