On Tuesday 05 December 2000 02:53 pm, you wrote:

> > Alright,  someone on here suggested using mpg123 to me instead of XMMS
> in X,  unfortunately, I can't seem to determine the proper syntax for
> the command to play multiple mp3 files stored in /home/data/mp3

I use mpg123 from the at queue every morning as my alarm clock.  The 
syntax I use is pretty straightforward mpg123 -z mp3/*/*/*.  Its not 
particularly accurate but most that directory is three layers deep.  
That's the simplest way I found, and I think it picks up mp3's at the 
second layer but I can't be sure about that.

Matthew Micene                     A host is a host from coast to coast,
Systems Development Manager        and no one will talk to a host too close
Express Search Inc.                Unless the host that isn't close 
www.ExpressSearch.com              is busy, hung or dead

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