Hi Alan,

That thought has been looming large the last few days. Especially after 
reading a post by Tom Brinkman on the Newbie list about hardware. Its a 
bit frustrating at times because what runs great on a "mut" system that 
was built from scratch doesn't run very well at all on a system that was 
bought from a vendor. Again, a lot of what Tom had to say does make a 
lot of sense.


Alan Shoemaker wrote:

> Mark Weaver wrote:
>> well it is very accurate as far as my experience is
>> concerned, and frankly thats the only one that really
>> matters to me since I'm the one that has to put up with it.
>> Inferior hardware sucks! Celeron sucks! Intel sucks!
>> seems pretty plain and simple to me. ;)
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> Mark....just a thought, but have you considered that there 
> could be something not-so-good about one or more components 
> other than the cpu?  :-)
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