On Monday 18 December 2000 12:12, you wrote:
> On December 17, 2000 12:27 pm, you wrote:
> > On Monday 18 December 2000 06:11, you wrote:
> > > Has anyone tried these?
> > > Any problems?
> >
> > Well, i installed these 7.2 KDE2.1beta1 rpms and still have no problems
> > after using it one day :) So, they seem fine to me. I uninstalled all old
> > rpms and then installed the new one and i'm happy now :)
> Umm. A couple initial problems I discovered. For 1 I can't find the theme
> manager. Second there are intermitten probs logging in and out. I did find
> that if I moved out the .kde directory that these problems went away. Also,
> the bookmark manager and tool bar doesn't work for konquorer. I tried
> importing my netscape bookmarks and the bookmarks toolbar won't even
> show up.

Well, you're right. I can't find the thememanager too :( 
But I have no problems logging in and out, but I haven't done that many time 
today... so, I can't say much to that. I don't have any problems with my 
bookmarks and the bookmark manager also works fine... 

Did you uninstall the old rpms before installing the new ones? I had problems 
once I did it without installing the old ones...

so long,

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