I have a very stupid problem, but I cant' get rid of it...

The application bar in KDE froze today when I tried to remove an application 
-- I had wrongly added two additional copies of the KMail icon to the bar and 
wanted to remove one; I moved some icons and the bar is now the bar empty. I 
think the other icons are simply "hidden", but whenever i try to move them 
the bar gets frozen again.

I drastically solved the problem renaming the .kde directory, reinstalling the 
whole thing, but is there a more civized system, should this happen again?

Many thanks indeed, and Merry Christmas!

Guido, from Italy

E-Mail: Guido Milanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italia
Homepage: http://fly.to/arsantiqua
+ + + + + + NON NOBIS DOMINE + + + + + + +

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