Sevatio Octavio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rusty,
> Thank you so much.  Your solution did the trick.
> BTW, where did you acquire this info?
> Seve

Well, I think it came from reading bunches of 'unix how-to'
type info, and then having that message show up (about unmatched
', or ", or sometimes even complaints about files that don't
exist (caused by SPACES in the name!)), and then working to
see what file caused the problem (by saving the output of
the find into a file, and looking at it), then realizing
(from the sh and csh man pages) that unescaped ' and " 
and " " were bad news in a filename, and casting about
looking for a way to get past this problem and finding
it in the find man page.

Something like that, anyway ;-)

Also, I said:

> > Oh, yeah, I forgot to warn everyone.  If there are special characters
> > in the filenames inside that directory, you'll need to use something
> > like this instead:

make that "in the filenames inside that directory TREE, you'll need"

Ah, yes, hindsight, such a wonderful thing - lets you know when you've
been wrong again    ;-)


Rusty Carruth          Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE
FAX:   (480) 345-8793             7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116
Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2     Tempe, AZ 85284-1825

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