It sounds as though you don't have the ppp support compiled into your
kernel. Go back to the configuration and check to make sure it's turned


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

                                Linus Torvalds

On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 Brian Hartman spake passionately saying:

> On Sunday 07 January 2001 11:02 am, you wrote:
> > Specifically mod-utils . . .  and what else?  According to the following
> > URL:
> > That is all which is needed.  What other updated packages are necessary?  I
> > am also have the problems with finding modules!
> >
> > Oh, and what need to be done for Aurora to work with the new kernel?
> >
> > Thx,
> > Robert Fox
> >
> I'm also having a problem with pppd.  When I do the MandrakeUpdate, it tells
> me I can't dial out because I don't have pppd installed.  Also, does someone
> know how to trim down the kernel boot menu.  Mine's a mess now! :(

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