On Sun Jan 07, 2001 at 08:13:03PM -0700, Ace Frehley wrote:

> Consider a TV out capable video card, "3dfx Voodoo 3000" and remote
> control keyboard, NOT a remote control only. Use an MP3 player
> (WINAMP) that allows the playlist font sizes to be adjusted and easily
> read on your TV screen. As for sound card, ensure you can get one that
> has a DIGITAL out, with PCM so your Dolby Digital or DTS stereo can
> read the digital data from your sound card. While your at it get a
> Hollywood Plus DVD card and DVD disk and watch movies with your setup
> as well. Run a SAMBA or METBEUI compatible network and share your
> data.

Hmmm... didn't even think of the remote mouse/keyboard.  That's a good
idea.  I'll look into that video card...  sounds like it might do the
trick (if I can somehow disable the onboard video... not sure about
that).  Not worried about the DVD... I've got a real DVD player hooked
up to my stereo already... =)  Sounds like you're talking of using
Windows instead of Linux tho, and that's something I'd rather not do.
But I think it should work with Linux if I do the same sort of thing
and if that video card will work.

> The audio quality will be on par with CD, plus you'll have the ability
> to watch movies in Dolby Digital and DTS.

Yeah, I've got an x-gamer sb live in this machine with a pair of altec
4-point speakers and the sound is killer...  It'll sound tonnes better
on my real stereo tho... =)

Thanks for the tips!

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