On Sun Jan 07, 2001 at 03:12:48PM -0700, Stefan Srdic wrote:

> > Really?  Maybe I should find an ISA SB16 and use the other PCI slot
> > for a video card (assuming I can turn off the onboard video).
> > 
> > Like you said, a little more research...  having only two PCI slots
> > limits me somewhat.  Oh well... I think I should be able to do it
> > easily enough, but it'll be interesting...  Thanks for the ideas!
> You should be able to disable the onboard video through the BIOS or with
> a jumper on the mobo...

This is a compaq... I think I need a disk to get into the BIOS (I
recall having to do this with a Compaq 386 I had years ago).  Hitting
ESC or F1 results in a keyboard error (go figure).  I didn't see
anything on the mobo specs to indicate a jumper to control the video.

> If your the lucky owner of a 10/100 switch or bridge you could go with a
> 10Mbps ISA NIC, if your only going to be transfering MP3's a 10Mbps ISA
> NIC will do. You can also overclock the ISA bus to increase transfer
> speed of the NIC too (see the Linux Ethernet-HOWTO -> performance
> section)

Yeah, I've got a stack of 10MB ISA nics and I'm running a 10/100
3 port switch connected to a four port 10/100 switching router (which
is in turn connected to a 10MB hub for my DMZ which is in turn
connected to my ADSL modem...  big fire hazard over here... hehehe).
It's going to be reading the mp3's over an NFS share, so 10MB would
probably be enough I imagine.  The only thing this box will be doing
is playing mp3s.

> You could then save the PCI slots for a high-end sound card with digital
> outputs and video card. BTW, I though I saw a TV card at Future Shop, it
> might be worth looking into with all these holiday sales going on :-D

Yeah, I was looking at the MP3 live 5.1 card (about half the price of
the platinum since the remote for the platinum won't do me much good
anyways).  Do you know what kind of digital outs those cards have?
Are they coax or optical?  My DVD player is connected to the sole
optical input on the amp, but I have two coax inputs that I can use.
And thanks for the tip... I'll have to check FS's website...  Right
now I'm just gonna put a 640x480 monitor in a covered space beneath
the TV until a better solution presents itself.  =)

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