
For the past year or so,  I've been using two separate video cards in my
Windows 2000 machine to obtain multiple monitors.  I'm finally downgrading
back to Windows NT4 for a little more stability (and a lot less overhead).

What I would like to do,  is make use of this new spare video card in my
mdk7.2 machine.

Currently it has one video adapter, a Viper V770 Riva TNT2 card.  I would
ike to toss in a second adapter, and then use multiple monitors if

Has nyone ever set up multiple monitors under linux (using two separate
video cards)?

Would I be able to run a console on one screen, and an X session on
another and be able to somehow switch between the two?  Or will both
monitors only be available inside X?

If anyone has any information regarding this, I would greatly appreciate
it.  I could find almost nothing on xfree86.org in their documentation.


I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
        - Douglas Adams

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