I once thought I had this fixed but it isn't so.  

I ask you to indulge me here if you are using KDE 2.1.  Delete the desktop 
icon for your CDROM device.   Now try to re-create it using the desktop menu 
for Create new.  

I imagine that upon doing this many of you will find that the icon doesn't 
work.  You can click all you want on what SHOULD be a working CDROM device 
icon but nothing will come of it.  If you look in your .xsession-errors file 
you will likely see entries like this for each time you clicked on the BROKEN 
device link:

Syntax error: Unknown command '/mnt/cdrom'

This problem will arise if you delete and try to re-create your other device 
links too (other folders/mount points).  

Here is what my CDROM kdelnk contents look like after re-creating the CDROM 

[Desktop Action Eject]
Exec=kdeeject %v
[Desktop Entry]

Looks OK, but it isn't.  Konqueror fails to open the damn CDROM and instead 
adds a ridiculous  "Syntax error:..." message to .xsession-errors.  

Why would KDE people break something so simple and fundamental as this?  It 
has worked fine since KDE's inception but now, with the latest versions, it 
is broken BIG TIME.  It makes much of the desktop unusable as a result.  
Oddly enough, if you open up Konqueror to your home directory and then 
navigate over to the offending mountpoint (/mnt/cdrom or wherever your cdrom 
is mounted) it will work OK.  The device link on the desktop chokes.  I can't 
even look at Trash because Konqueror refuses to open the damn thing on the 

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain

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