Praedor Tempus wrote:

> Has anyone purchases Heretic II from Loki and actually managed to get it to
> work on Mandrake 7.2?  On a 7.2 system with XFree86-4.0.2?

I have, but I can't remeber if it was vbefore I installed X 402 or not.

> I must say I am becoming disgusted with Loki on this.  Linux will NEVER make
> it with the general user if it is impossible to simply install and run a
> freakin' game that is LINUX NATIVE, fer shit's sake.

I hope that isn't the case. Remember how fast things are advancing in the Linux
world compred to Windows - and they have groud to make up on us too.

> Anyway, trying to run the game totally dicks up my X session.

Do other OpenGL apps run? It sounds like your in software mode...

Loki also released a near completely rewritten SDL version of Heretic II. I
suggest you install the update, as it fixes many, many problems people were
having with the game.

Good luck,


> The game
> doesn't run, just get to the game menu, but trying to actually start a game
> crashes it and this totally screws up X - resolution goes to virtual, mouse
> quits working, and I have to do a Ctrl-Bkspc to get it all back into working
> order.
> --
> Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain
> ----
> Praedor

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