I found that too (default, kde, failsafe) and in my case, default was Gnome, 
kde would start failsafe, and failsafe would start failsafe.  I looked as my 
new .Xclients and it had "exec gnome-session" in it so I changed it to "exec 
startkde" and now all is proper with the world.  

One BIG thing...Instead of just me, root, and my wife in the kdm login, there 
is a whole host of services there too:  zope, apache, and so forth.  Hidden 
amongst the undesired multitude is my login.  Bad move this.  Very cluttered 
and confusing.


On Wednesday 17 January 2001 19:33, you wrote:
> The only dependancy problem I noticed had to do with the fact that ARTS is
> now a seperate package - everything else went in OK... I did notice the KDM
> problem (only KDE, default and failsafe) but havn't had time to play with
> it (I use KDE so it isn't that critical to me)

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain

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