Have you fixed the /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 file by adding
/usr/bin/kdmdesktop at the end?  That will enable X to read the kdmrc
file.  I fixed mine before the upgrade, and all is well with KDM.

Also, my appologies to the "quoting monitors" but I thought it necessary
to include the entire thread for reference.


Here is the file:
# (C) MandrakeSoft
# Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

if [ -f /etc/profile.d/kde.sh ];then
 . /etc/profile.d/kde.sh

[ -z "$KDEDIR" ] && KDEDIR=/usr

if [ -x $KDEDIR/bin/kdmdesktop ];then
#      /usr/bin/kdmdesktop
# Commented above line and added next line because of kdedesktop issues
# fixes background.
      /usr/X11R6/bin/xsetroot -solid "#112233"
      /usr/X11R6/bin/xsetroot -solid "#112233"
      /usr/X11R6/bin/xconsole -geometry 880x230-0-0 -daemon -notify
-verbose -fn
 fixed -exitOnFail

#inserted by me - kdmdesktop has to be called after xsetroot!
Xsetup_0 lines 1-22/25 87%

--- Zeljko Vukman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also experienced kdm problem during compilation from CVS. Kdm wont
> compile
> on Mandrake 7.2. And I have had this problem for last two months. I
> would
> really like
> to know how Chris managed to compile kdm on Mandrake 7.2. Some KDE
> developers
> told me that it is Mandrake related problem (I don't believe it, because
> kde
> has had problems
>  with kdm since 2.0 was released - ie. you can't set background picture
> for 
> kdm - which was possible in 1.9x releases), and on IRC I met some other
> mandrake-users
> who had exactly the same problem. I can't remember exactly, but I think
> that
> problem was
> with libXdmcp, and greeter or chooser.
> Now I use Chris' RPMS from the 9th of january, and I can't log into
> Gnome
> although I have
> Gnome listed in kdm (I added it to kdmrc) what is not a big deal 'cause
> I log
> to kde and gnome from
> console, but there maybe some users who like graphical login.
> Regards,
> On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 20:21:06 -0600, Tom Brinkman said:
> > On Wednesday 17 January 2001 05:37 pm, Mark Belanger wrote:
> >  > Christopher Molnar wrote:
> >  > > I have just uploaded RPM's for KDE 2.1 CVS as of 2001-01-15.
> These
> >  
> >  > Has anyone had kdm troubles with these packages?
> >  > Since installing them (on 2 different machines), I have
> >  > some oddities.
> >  >   1. Restart Xserver causes X to crash and kdm to exit
> >  
> >     not that bad, but kdm is fairly screwed.  many system services are
> >  shown as users. only option on the 'shutdown' button is re-start the 
> >  Xserver.  <Ctrl-Alt-F2> gets me to a level 3 prompt. Then I can login
> >  as root and reboot/halt, or go to root's desktop (which I rarely need
> >  to do).  Kcontrol in root is useless, as user only the  System |
> Login 
> >  manager is useless.  NBFD, I keep user up 24/7 anyhow, an' I only use
> >  KDE.
> >  
> >  >   2. The session menu contains only default, kde, and failsafe.
> >  >      Selecting kde puts you into icewm.  Default does launch kde
> >  
> >      I only have 'default' (kde) and gnome choices. altho all the WM's
> >  are installed, and use to be available to switch to.
> >  
> >  > To install the pkgs, I downloaded all files and ran rpm -Uvh *.rpm
> >  > and ran update-menus.
> >  
> >     many, many times + 'rpm --rebuilddb' many times ;)   I fixed kdm, 
> >  and all the problems I cited above, by uninstalling kdebase-20010115 
> >  and putting kdebase-20010109 back in.  Problem with that was, I soon 
> >  missed how much improved memory usage (256 ram) and quickness was
> with 
> >  20010115.  So I put the newer kdebase-20010115 rpm back in, even tho
> it 
> >  screws kdm, et al.  No show stoppers, and hardly affects the way I'm 
> >  use to runnin anyhow. 
> >  
> >    I've gone as far as to try rebuilding the src.rpm equivalents of 
> >  arts, kdelibs-sound, and kdebase and tryin those.  No better, MOF, 
> >  kdebase-20010115-src fails to compile.  Same spot, well into it,
> after 
> >  2 attempts.   What gets me is I've done all of Chris' updates
> (lot's!) 
> >  and this is the first time i've had any problems to speak of.  So I 
> >  reckon it's a user/hardware/config on my part that screwed the pooch 
> >  this time.
> >  
> >     So, I'm ready for some new updates ;>>  Chris? ya lis'nin?
> >  -- 
> >  Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay
> >  
> >  
> >  

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