William Bouterse wrote:

> >Mogens Jæger spake;
> > I have tried to upgrade to the CUPS-1.1.5, but then I have to upgrade the
> > glibc to 2.2 first,
> Greetings!
> I am not using glibc 2.2 !
> I am using cups-1.1.5-3mdk et. al. from the
> "unsupported list" which is supported very well by Till, Chris and others.
> Try  an ftp at
>  atik.ciril.fr/pub/linux/mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586
> William Bouterse
> Talkeetna

Hey and thanks a lot for the link.
When I first had downloaded what was needed (cupslibs and so on)  everything
went well.
I dont know what actually happens, but when I configure/installs my
HP-printer, and asks for a test-print, I only gets 2/3 of the page printed,
but for 'normal' usage, it works great.
Sincerely Mogens Jæger.

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