>I have an idea. Why don't we just catch these friggin virus writers,
>them off to a tropicl atol, and test one the new atomic bombs that one
>the third world countries is developing.

Well, in the US we don't do that because of something call "Due Process
of law" and presumption of innocence. I'm not saying your idea is "bad,"
it's just that the system which produces these deviants is also the
system which porduces much of the inovation. Mostly they're just
misguided, pretty bright guys who feel underappreciated. I think the
better response, for most of them anyway, is to attract them to do
improvements rather than trying to punish them. Still, I don't deny that
there are probably a few bastards who only want to wreck thing.  These
few you can take to the atoll.

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