Hi there,

I noticed upon installing 7.2 that the man-page for "dlopen" (and friends;
dlsym, etc) is missing. A quick bit of poking around shows that the ld.so
rpm in 7.1 contained the man3/ files yet the version of ld.so shipped in
7.2 (ld.so-1.9.11-4mdk it would appear) does not contain any of that. I
just took a quick fish in a "cooker" mirror to see if an updated rpm might
exist (I've updated everything else with MandrakeUpdate but there's
nothing relevant there) but on this mirror at least, there doesn't even
appear to be a ld.so rpm at all? BTW: I'm looking in;


Have these man-pages been moved to another rpm that I haven't looked at? I
took a quick surf through the package lists and can't see anything obvious
that I haven't already installed.


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