I have not idea for KDe 1!!!

Francisco Alcaraz
----- Mensaje Original -----
Remitente: Norvell Spearman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fecha: Miércoles, Enero 24, 2001 9:23 am
Asunto: Re: [expert] Audio problem with xmms and kde. . .

> > 
> > After consulting to they give my the way to solve that; 
> just run
> > xmms using "artsdsp xmms". It seems that xmms is not full compatible
> > with arts, using this command in my case it runs fine, and also  
> the kde
> > sounds....
> > With other applications I have to do the same; for instance 
> tuxafq, and
> > now most of them are running
> > 
> > I holp this help
> > 
> > Francisco Alcaraz
> > Murcia (Spain)
> Is there a similar solution for kde-1.1.2?  I'm using LM 7.1, 
> which I
> prefer over 7.2.
> I noticed that there is a plugin for xmms to play to kde-2's
> audioserver.  Is it difficult to write something similar for kde-
> 1.1.2'saudioserver (if it hasn't yet been written)?
> Thanks.
> ---Norvell Spearman

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