I can offer you no advice per se, but I applaud your moxy. Good luck.
Hey...let me think. In bash, maybe try something like this?

for account in users.file
  $userName = (awk statement)
  $passWord = (awk statement)

  useradd $userName -s /dev/null
  echo $passWord | passwd --stdin $userName


I know lots is missing, but it might be a start. Or, just tell them all that
they compromise company security and need to fix it, dammit.  : )

Derek Stark
IT / Linux Admin
xt 8952

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jorge Ramírez Llaca
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 3:21 PM
Subject: [expert] Password issues

I'm in the process of migrating all my NT servers to Linux Mandrake 7.2

Currently, there's a PDC holding all the user's network folders and a couple
of SDC's running a variety of services, including IMAP, SMTP, LDAP, web
cache, printing, etc.

All my users authenticate against the NT domain. So far I think i've got
this covered. I already cracked all my users passwords (using l0phtcrack
2.52). Right now I'm in the process of writing a couple of migration scripts
that will add the users, first to Linux and then to Samba 2.07, then move
all the files from the NT file server to the Mandrake server and finally
their mailboxes to a second Mandrake server. After taking the the NT PDC
offline I'll reconfigure Samba to act as a PDC on the file server and as a
SDC on the mail server.

If all goes well, my users won't notice the change. Or at least that's my
goal,a completely transparent migration experience (at least for them).

My problem is that some of my users have very weak passwords and Mandrake
won't allow them. I intend to address that issue sometime soon but I need to
migrate them ASAP. So the question is: How do I instruct Mandrake to accept
whaterver silly thing the users have chosen as their password.

Can anyone help me please?

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